Victor Munoz Manrique Manager Statistics
Manager history and statistics for Victor Munoz Manrique

- Nationality
- Unknown
- Date of Birth
- 0000-00-00
- Victor Munoz Manrique terms to date
- 1
- Total games
- 151
- Wins
- 54
- Draws
- 41
- Losses
- 56
- Total honours won
- 0
- Average games per spell
- 151
- Honours
All Victor Munoz Manrique Teams
Club | From | Until | Honours | Games per Honour | W | D | L | Total | Win% |
Villarreal CF | 2001-07-01 | 2004-07-01 | 0 | N/A | 54 | 41 | 56 | 151 | 35.76% |